Wait, found the 14th amendment. Apparently thats circular logic that goes infinitely in either direction you take, repeal or not to repeal. The problem wouldn't be there to begin with though if we were able to keep immigrants out of the country to begin with.
I always like to think outside the box though just for the sake of it. How about we just stop any more illegals coming in and when the legal children grow up then kick out the illegal parents. Of course such an option would stir up even more problems starting with what if the parents are too old and etc. -_-
Only use the stupid and ignorant brush when appropriate.
Crap I forgot, what the the 14th Amendment for, I think it was comething involving the Emancipation Proclamation right?
And yeah not every American is like this, the MAJORITY of us isn't like this, its just the way the media works. Someone f***s up and you'd think a genocide just happened.